In 1606, settlers of the Virginia Company of England embarked on an expedition to the New World, their goal being to found a settlement in the Virginia Colony. After a lengthy journey, the settlers came upon the mouth of the Chesapeake River, making landfall at Cape Henry. Their site would come to be known as Jamestown, widely regarded as the first permanent English settlement in America. However, the momentous task of establishing a society in a new and foreign land did not go without its fair share of tribulations. These settlers faced uncompromising challenges on the road to establishing stability and success, but their efforts produced both economic and social improvements that would eventually culminate to form one of England's most valued North American colonies. In addition to acquiring gold and other precious minerals to send back to the waiting investors in England, the survival plan for the Jamestown colonists depended upon regular supplies from England and trade with the Native Americans. The location they selected was largely cutoff from the mainland, and offered little game for hunting, no fresh drinking …show more content…
Rolfe, a businessman from London, brought with him new strains of tobacco that were cultivated successfully in the warm Virginian climate. This new tobacco, having come from Rolfe's Tahitian seeds, was met with great enthusiasm by the colonists, who held a previous distaste for the less-sweet tobacco crops they had attempted to grow. Rolfe's tobacco was exported for profit, and would ultimately become the cash crop of Virginia. According to an early tobacco advertisement, "...Tobacco will thy life renew...", and that it did. Plantations began to arise throughout the colony, at once establishing Jamestown as a more permanent settlement and increasing tobacco exports, causing great economic