
The Transformation Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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The Transformation Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey
A few weeks of sailing seemed to be the only progress he had made over the last grueling years of his journey home. Odysseus glanced up at the endless expanse of the azure sky, lit by Helios’s crimson ascent. Not a cloud in the light-streaked sky, however, that could have instantly changed. It all depended on the will of the fickle deities who ruled over all of Greece, for Odysseus knew that Poseidon sought revenge for his actions against his cyclops son, and holds the power to make his journey home much more miserable. Odysseus lied on his raft made from untouched wood that grew on the immortal nymph Calypso’s land. A prison so beautiful would only be denounced by a man such as Odysseus; but he has captured tight and bent to her liking. …show more content…
The luminous golden grass swayed with the will of the wind and he pushed himself up. Rolling hills spanned miles in every direction with lackadaisical cattle, sheep, and swine meandering about. He would recognize these surroundings anywhere; Odysseus was finally home in Ithaca, the land of stretching farmlands and rocky crags. Immediately, he sought out the nearest town to find his beloved family for the first time in two decades. A smile stretched across his weathered face, the first one in many years. The countryside that made up the majority of Ithaca sped by as the kind rushed to his house. Upon entering the town, however, he found an obvious problem with this false Ithaca. Horrified, he collapsed to his knees, once again denied so cruelly by the gods, for the people and citizens of Ithaca were …show more content…
"Ahh, Poseidon, such a nice fellow. He provided us the best opportunity by mentally allowing us to enter your dream world so that we could have one last farewell."
"None of the immortals do any deed for free. What was your price?" Odysseus interjected.
"Ahh, yes. Well, Phobetor told us that all we had to do was to destroy this town inside of your mind. But then again, we both decided, if you had us, what else could you possibly need?"
His gut clenched as he realized the full implications of the act they were doing.
"You fools. If this is truly my hope and happiness, you would be destroying it all!"
"We know. But then again, we're just returning a favor for making us suffer all that much more. Now, watch as your sanctuary goes up in flames!"
Odysseus’s eyes jerked to the town, only to watch a house crush Laertes as he tried to fight the behemoth, Polyphemus.
"FATHER!" Odysseus screamed. He struggled against the magical bonds that held him, woven as he was distracted by the lustrous goddesses. As he struggled, he saw Penelope and Telemachus running towards the boat, away from the enraged giant that was tearing up the city in search of them.
"Escape in the boats!" he

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