Mr. Roberts wasn’t in agreement with his company’s billing method and made several attempts to address the problem while working for his firm without much success. He reached out to the company’s ethics department and to an in-house PwC lawyer, but only managed to have the company’s policy revised, not corrected. A group of people (mostly the company’s partners) decided that under the new policy, PwC would have to disclose most of the discounts to its clients but still keep 8 percent of the rebates as a “cover our costs” fee while retaining the “millions… collected previously on the earlier rebates” (Carroll and Buchholtz 630).
Despite these policy changes, Neil A. Roberts remained dissatisfied and decided to file a False Claims lawsuit against PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. The False Claims Act is a federal legislation that was established to make sure companies were not circumventing the government. Under this legislation, anyone who knows about “companies that are defrauding the government may sue on the government’s behalf and share in the proceeds of the suit” while being protected from workplace retaliation under the qui tam
Cited: AccountingWeb. PwC to Settle Travel Expenses Lawsuit for $54.5 Million. 23 December 2003. Web. 28 September 2014. Carroll, Archie B and Ann K Buchholtz. "Corporate Governance: Foundational Issues." Business & Society ; Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management. South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012. 94-120. Paper. Carroll, Archie B and Ann K Buchholtz. "The Travel Expense Billing Controversy and False Claims Act." Business & Society ; Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management. Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2012. 628-31. Paper. Weil, Jonathan. "Court Files Offer Inside Look At Pricewaterhouse Billing Clash." The Wall Street Journal Online (2004): 1-4. Web. 28 September 2014.