
The Triumph Of Conservatism Summary

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Travis L Seay
July 26, 2005
Review of The Triumph of Conservatism:
A Reinterpretation of American History,
1900-1916, by Gabriel Kolko.

In The Triumph of Conservatism, Gabriel Kolko argued that the Progressive Era was in fact a conservative period. It emerged, he wrote, from the efforts of a business community which concerned itself with attaining economic “stability, predictability, and security”—i.e. a system of rationalization which would guarantee sustained profits and which would minimize radical threats to the establishment (p. 3). Contrary to the interpretations of Kolko’s predecessors, “Progressivism was not the triumph of small businesses over the trusts,” but the achievement of a high level of economic rationalization
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5). He negated the idea of government as a “neutral…shield” between corporate giants and the public. Rather, the results of the Progressive movement coincided with the desires of big business. Late nineteenth century businessmen desired the obsolescence of competition, which they viewed as “ruinous.” Mergers were supposed to increase output, lessen competition, and thus promote industrial efficiency. However, the merger movement tapered off after 1901 with the entry of many small and medium-sized competitors to the market; with it dwindled “promises of stability, profits, and industrial cooperation” (p. 24). Mergers, it appeared, may have actually encouraged competition. Through a series of case studies on industrial iron and steel, oil, automobiles, agricultural machinery, telephones, copper, and meat packing, Kolko demonstrated a loss of dominance and of hopes for stability among large companies at the turn of the century. Laissez faire had “created instability and insecurity in the economy” (p. 57). Political devices became necessary to the promotion of …show more content…

An intellectually conservative man, Wilson masked his true colors with ambiguous statements—he was “for big business” and “against the trust.” But behind this reassuring public persona, Wilson supported the business conception of business regulation. Wilson’s intellectual conservatism, argued Kolko, fostered an atmosphere which allowed big businesses to receive generous federal

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