Bibliography: Adler, Christine Orchanian. "From Slavery to Fame: Poet Phillis Wheatley Overcame Racial and Ethnic Barriers | Usariseup." Usariseup |. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. . Cherene Sherrard-Johnson. "Racial Recovery, Racial Death: An Introduction in Four Parts." Legacy 24.2 (2007): 157-70. Print. Collins, Terence. “Phillis Wheatley: The Dark Side of the Poetry.” Phylan Vol. 36, No. 1 (1st Qtr 1975): 21 Dec 2011 Corse, Sarah M., and Monica D. Griffin. "Cultural Valorization and African American Literary History: Reconstructing the Canon." Sociological Forum Vol.12 No. 2 (Jun 1997): 14 Dec 2011 Harris, Jennifer. "Black like the Strange Case of Emma Dunham Kelley Hawkins." (2006): 401-19. Print. Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks. “African American Women’s History and the Metalanguage of Race.” Signs Vol. 17, No. 2 (Winter 1992): 12 Dec 2011 McDowell, Deborah E. "New Direction for Black Feminist Criticism." (1980): 167-78. Print. Smith, Barbara. "Toward a Black Feminist Criticism." (1977): 132-45. Print.
Bibliography: Adler, Christine Orchanian. "From Slavery to Fame: Poet Phillis Wheatley Overcame Racial and Ethnic Barriers | Usariseup." Usariseup |. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. . Cherene Sherrard-Johnson. "Racial Recovery, Racial Death: An Introduction in Four Parts." Legacy 24.2 (2007): 157-70. Print. Collins, Terence. “Phillis Wheatley: The Dark Side of the Poetry.” Phylan Vol. 36, No. 1 (1st Qtr 1975): 21 Dec 2011 Corse, Sarah M., and Monica D. Griffin. "Cultural Valorization and African American Literary History: Reconstructing the Canon." Sociological Forum Vol.12 No. 2 (Jun 1997): 14 Dec 2011 Harris, Jennifer. "Black like the Strange Case of Emma Dunham Kelley Hawkins." (2006): 401-19. Print. Higginbotham, Evelyn Brooks. “African American Women’s History and the Metalanguage of Race.” Signs Vol. 17, No. 2 (Winter 1992): 12 Dec 2011 McDowell, Deborah E. "New Direction for Black Feminist Criticism." (1980): 167-78. Print. Smith, Barbara. "Toward a Black Feminist Criticism." (1977): 132-45. Print.