Where The Wild Things Are (Sendak, 1992) has very few words, the whole book is just ten sentences long. Each sentence occupies more than one page, thus breaking the rules of literature, as usually sentences begin and end on one page, yet these breaks are intentional. The breaks encourage pace and rhythm, AV 2 ensuring the pages are turned. (Mackey, 2009, pp93)) The middle six pages (fig, 1, 2, 3 below) have no text whatsoever as some images can make words redundant, AV2 Using pictures alone encourages the reader to become the author, again breaking literature rules where the author leads the reader through their book, it also breaks the rules of the readers expectations as it is expected there will be text to accompany the
Where The Wild Things Are (Sendak, 1992) has very few words, the whole book is just ten sentences long. Each sentence occupies more than one page, thus breaking the rules of literature, as usually sentences begin and end on one page, yet these breaks are intentional. The breaks encourage pace and rhythm, AV 2 ensuring the pages are turned. (Mackey, 2009, pp93)) The middle six pages (fig, 1, 2, 3 below) have no text whatsoever as some images can make words redundant, AV2 Using pictures alone encourages the reader to become the author, again breaking literature rules where the author leads the reader through their book, it also breaks the rules of the readers expectations as it is expected there will be text to accompany the