U.S History
June 10, 2009
The Attacks of the World Trade Centers Over 200,000 tons of steel, 425,000 cubic yards of concrete, a total of 10,000 workers and 7 years, 2 buildings were created known as the World Trade Centers. It 's more than its signature twin towers: it was a complex of seven buildings on 16-acres with its own zip code (10048). The construction of the buildings began in 1966 and was completed in April 1973, with the North tower opening 2 years prior of the South. They both consist of 110 floors, and were ranked as the tallest buildings in the world until the Sears Towers was built in 1974. The towers were built downtown-lower Manhattan Development Association by Chase Manhattan Bank chairman David Rockefeller who believed that the towers would benefit the city. Although the towers were a complete accomplishment 60 workers died during the construction. There were 43,600 windows and 99 elevators that can carry about 55 people with a 10,000 pound capacity and can travel up to 27 feet per second. The towers contained 430 businesses from 26 different countries and held up to 5,000 office workers. It had 6 basements and 3 Subway railway stations. Five different channel news stations were also in the Towers along with medical centers and banks. Many restaurants were also included in both Towers.
Williams 2 Friday, February 26, 1993 was the date of the first attack on the Twin Towers. It all started with a man named Ramzi Yousef who was trying to be known for the best designer of explosives. Ramzi went to college for electrical engineering and then attended Al Qaeda training camps in a region between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where he learned the advantages and disadvantages of firearms and explosives. His first major attack was the bombing of the World Trade Center. No one really knows or have a clue to what really caused Ramzi to attack, but all we know is that the attack was one of the worst attacks in the city of New
Cited: Sticks and Stoneshttp://stickandstone.blogspot.com/2005/09/attack-on-world-trade-centers.htmlWorld Trade Centerhttp://www.historymania.com/american_history/World_Trade_Center911 Researchhttp://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/info/index.htmlNumber of people killed on September 11http://www.nightlightfund.org/people.htmlWorld trade centerhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_CenterFebruary_26.2C_1993_bombingSeptember 11 newshttp://www.september11news.com/DailyTimeline.htmSeptember 11 Attackhttp://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_people_died_in_the_September_11_2001_attacks