The ultimate goal of a customer-oriented organization is to maximize its customer satisfaction. This topic is about the relation between the profit of a customer-oriented organization and its customer satisfaction. “The customer is KING.”. It heralds the emergence of new business paradigms that will keep pace with a world rapid changing under the impact of development.
The following word will show what are the changes of marketing, what is the customer satisfaction, why the customer satisfaction is important, what is the customer-oriented organization, how to be a customer-oriented organization using the knowledge of marketing.
Marketing is an organization function and a set of processes for creasing, communication, and delivering value to customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. (David L. Kurtz & Boone 2010, Principles of contemporary marketing PP7)
Marketing creates form, time, place, and ownership utilities. Form--production of the good, driven by the marketing function; Time--make product available when customers want to buy the product; Place--make product available where customers will buy the product; Ownership (Possession) --once you own the product, do what you want with it.(, 16-11-2010)
Marketing has been a part of business; its importance has varied greatly. Marketing has four eras in the history: the production era, the sales era, the marketing era, and the relationship era.
The production era: The prevailing attitude of this era held that a high-quality product would sell itself before 1925.
The sales era: In this era, firms attempted to match their output to the potential number of customers who would want it in about the 1920s to 1950s.
The marketing era: Marketing concept is company-wide consumer orientation with the objective of achieving long-run success.
The relationship era: This era in the history of marketing emerged during the final decade of the