A digital signature is the term used for marking or signing an electronic document, by a process meant to be equivalent to paper signatures, but which makes use of a technology known as public-key cryptography. Additional security properties are required of signatures in the electronic world. This is because the probability of disputes rises dramatically for electronic transactions without face-to-face meetings, and in the presence of potentially undetectable modifications to electronic documents. Digital signatures address both of these concerns, and offer far more security than paper signatures. Compared to all other forms of signatures, digital signatures are by far the most easily verified and the most reliable with respect to …show more content…
providing document integrity.
Digital signatures can be applied to electronic documents, can be automated, can automatically detect alterations to a document, can be used to signify a commitment to a contract or document, can be used as a witness to the signature process, and is recognized by legislation.
As the prevalence of e-commerce continues to grow in today’s global marketplace, many questions are being raised about the legal implications of electronic signatures and the liability a company assumes when it adds electronic signatures to its environment.
The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) and Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (ESIGN) law provide the legal framework surrounding electronic signatures and their role in global commerce.
UETA, passed by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) in 1999, effectively gives legally binding status to electronic documents and signatures. Nearly all states have adopted UETA or enacted their own nearly identical legislation surrounding in-state electronic transactions. In response to the interests of businesses and government agencies, Congress passed ESIGN in 2000 to ensure that the validity of electronic records and transactions cannot be denied solely due to their electronic form. ESIGN intentionally uses …show more content…
definitions to allow organizations the freedom to determine which technologies they will choose to utilize.
As case law surrounding electronic signatures continues to grow and legal precedents are set, the lines are becoming clearer as to which types of electronic signatures will stand up in court. One thing that is growing increasingly clear is that biometric electronic handwritten signatures provide a level of safety and security equivalent or even better than ink-on-paper signatures.
Despite the legal confusion many have felt toward electronic signatures, companies around the globe have chosen to put down the pen and trust electronic signatures to propel their processes to the speed of technology.
Industries such as Healthcare, Automotive, Construction, Financial Services, Government Agencies, and Insurance have embraced electronic signatures to solidify their future in e-commerce
There are many security challenges associated with digital signatures. E-Government security and e-business is implemented legally as well as practically by CryptBot e-sign. The security is planned to secure all email sending, encrypting, digitally signing, decrypting and storing and gathering all types of data in the way to authenticate. This works to maintain privacy and avoid rejection by the signer.
CrypbBot Functions: 1. PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) afford security to many Digital signature or e-signatures which provides encrypt document and digitally signed. 2. Digital certificates which are World leading CAs (Certificate Authorities) are concern with digital IDs. 3. Place comments on signed document and exhibit e-certificates along with digital signatures with multiple signers. Unlawful changes and replications are used in digitally signed document to maintain
4. By using special techniques of encryption we can sign a document with “multiple levels of confidentiality practice” 5. Every encrypted document possesses "control certificate." This certificate is bound with e-certificate of digital signature lying on document. 6. Recipient and signer key pairs are preserved in a secure key store, Permit confidential data which was already predefined to reassign. 7. To avoid illegal changes the signed documents and digital signatures are saved in encryption method. Using Time Stamp Server we can stock up the time of document signed with data. 8. Using electronic document digital signatures and e-certificates are connected to printout. We can check digital signatures online while it is linked with the secure server with CryptoBot e-sign. 9. Based on the needs and necessities of an organization, the digital signature can be modified among organizations and inside the organizations. 10. In the IE web browser we can include signature images and e-signatures of many signers and display with e-certificates.
Creating and assigning a digital signature from Adobe:
Signing an email message:
1. Ricky M. Magalhaes. (May 29, 2003 ). Authentication, Access Control & Encryption. Digital Signatures. 2. American Bar Association. Digital Signature Guidelines. Available: 5. http://www.abanet.org/scitech/ec/isc/dsg-tutorial.html. 3. CGI Group. Public Key Encryption and Digital Signature. Available: 1. http://www.cgi.com/cgi/pdf/cgi_whpr_35_pki_e.pdf.