The Union: The Business Behind Betting High is an illuminating documentary about Marijuana in Canada and the US, created by Canadian filmmaker Brett Harvey in 2007. It follows Adam Scorgie, who explores Illegal growth, sales and trafficking of Marijuana. The film screening was limited to film festivals. It was nominated for 4 awards by which they won 2 awards, one for best editing at Rhode Island International Film Festival and one for outstanding feature at Winnipeg International Film Festival.
The film follows Adam Scorgie as he interviews Growers, Psychologists, Criminologists, Economists, Doctors, Politicians and Pop culture icons. He looks into why Marijuana is illegal, what marijuana really is, how it´s a criminal enterprise and how private companies profit from it. He also looks into how the prohibition is making private prisons a growing enterprise.
Throughout the film, the Alcohol prohibition in the US in the early 20th century is used frequently as an example of what that kind of prohibition does to a society. Under that prohibition, people who died from alcohol poisoning went up by 600%! Prohibition of alcohol backfired. It became the rise of criminals in the US. For Example: Al Capone, one of the most powerful and notorious gangsters of all time. It didn´t make people stop drinking alcohol, it made people drink a lot more. People had a complete disregard for that prohibition.
The Union: The Business Behind Getting High also looks in to “the war on drugs” propaganda that was flourishing in the US in the mid 20th century. Doctors, Scientists and so on, all agree that marijuana is not a dangerous drug. It´s actually a lot more dangerous to drink a cup of coffee, than it is to smoke a joint. That marijuana is the healthiest medicine to date. Doctors prescribe drugs that kill thousands of people every year, which are far more dangerous and addictive than marijuana. If marijuana were to