Liams jealousy is shown …show more content…
There he assaults Jonas and makes him delete any memories of his wife then blacks out. he wakes up to realize fi has indeed lied to him and goes to confront her, there he makes fi accept with her own month and then he tells her “You know when you suspect something. It's always better when it turns out to be true. It’s like I’ve had a bad tooth for years and I'm just finally getting my tongue there and I’m digging all the rotten shit out.” this shows that Liam's obsession has led him to the truth, however it is a bitter one. Knowing the truth affects him negatively as it has ruined him as he loved his wife a lot however after the truth he can not bear to see his face and he is now left alone. The director uses the grain to show if we did have it how using it in this situation affects people as if it were in normal circumstances and liam didn't have grain he might still be jealous and suspicious of his wife however he wouldn't go to such extremes to cover the truth and it wouldnt turn to obsessional