The Unsuccessful Willy Loman Willy,as a man of 63,is supposed to come to an age where everything should be settled down.However,he is still suffering in his job even before he commits suicide.His financial situation is unsecure.His wife has to repair her stockings instead of buying a new one.And he has to borrow money from his neigbour Charley,though he never returns them. What has led to Willy’s unsucess in life,and finally even the tragedy of killing himself,we may wonder.My personal opinion is that Willy’s own personality and his illison of success has caused the final unpleasant fact of being unsuccessful.
PEOPLE’S OPINIONS Some critics say that this is due to the fierce competition of the society.He works all his life and when he gets old and becomes less productive,the society,represented by his boss Howard Wagner,still puts him on straight commission,and,when Willy asked for “not travel” on roads(61),he refused and fired him.Even some pointed out that “Willy was a man who has worked all his life by the machinery of Democracy and Free Enterprise and was then spit mercilessly out, spent like a "piece of fruit."”[1] Others say this is due to his blind belief in the American Dream. According to Matthew Warshauer, “Traditionally, Americans have sought to realise the American dream of success, fame and wealth through thrift and hard work.”[2] As for Willy,he has been on the road when he was only 19.He went through all the hustle and bustle all his life and still failed to success and get what he wants.In this case,he seems to be the victim of believing in the American Dream.But is it true?The answer will reveal itself later during the discovery of his personality.
WILLY’S PERSONALITY When trying to find out more about Willy’s
References: [1]website:Homework Online Study Guide [2] Matthew Warshauer,Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Changing Conceptions of the American Dream, [3] The Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District:English Resources: [4]Paul Rosefeldt ;Magill’s Survey of American Literature, Revised Edition © 2007 by Salem Press, Inc