The Cold War was a state of political and military tension after World War II between powers in the Western Bloc and powers in the Eastern Bloc. The cold was started in 1947 and lasted until its official ending in 1991. It was referred to as the “Cold War” because instead of using actual weapons the two sides used verbal weapons in the form of information and threats.…
During the Cold War, many people were victimized by the accusations put forth by Joseph McCarthy. The Cold War was a political, military, and diplomatic struggle that defined the second half of the twentieth century. Beginning almost immediately after the end of World War II, the Cold War did not come to an end until the downfall of the Soviet Union in 1991. While the United States and the Soviet Union were the primary nations involved in the Cold War, the conflict affected people and nations worldwide. These two superpowers were engaged in an ongoing battle of ideas, politics, and influence that consumed the entire globe for nearly fifty years (Bjornlund 4).…
The Cold War, which lasted from 1945 to 1991, was a conflict between the two Superpowers of the USA and the USSR. Even though there was no direct military action between the two countries, the 'war' greatly changed the political scene of Europe and the rest of the world.…
The Cold War resulted after the end of WWII, when two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, began to generate a rivalry due to an excess of competition regarding power, that was then transformed into a long period of tension. It is called the Cold War because, indeed, such conflict never caused an actual war, however, multiple battles actually…
Between 1945 and 1950, the tensions increased between the United States and the Soviet Union. Both superpowers, with varying standpoints on global affairs, were brought to the brink of war. As the United States pushed for the containment of communism, and the development of capitalist democracies, the Soviet Union continued to impose communist rule amongst itself and its satellite nations. Eventually, these conflicting views would lead to the start of the Cold War. Fueled by the disagreement of the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., the war would be fought indirectly through propaganda and influence from leaders, the development of alliances, as well as the arms race.…
The Cold War took off after the end of the Second World War when the United States and the Soviet Union emerged as the two global dominant superpowers each grasping ideologies that were dichotomous from each other. This adverse relationship continued for half a century and the clash of two distinct and differing political ideologies of communism and capitalism saw no clear conclusion or victory for either side. The tense atmosphere resonated not only in the United States and the Soviet Union, but also around the world and into space. For most of the fifty years of the cold war, the ideological struggle and the many indirect physical conflicts between the West and the Soviet Union were in a deadlock with no visible success of either side. However,…
John Lewis Gaddis is a history professor at Yale University, lecturing an undergraduate class every Monday and Wednesday on the Cold War. He wrote The Cold War: A New History based on questions some of his prior students had on the Cold War, as well as making a shorter, more understanding book for students to read. Gaddis provides a fantastic overview of the Cold War but could have organized the information a lot better. For instance, if he put it in chronological order rather than jumping back and forth between decades, it would have made it a lot easier to understand what caused certain events. Gaddis was born April 2, 1941 in Cotulla, Texas.…
From the mid 1940’s through the mid 1960’s, the United States was in its first cold war with the Soviet Union. It was considered cold because there was no outright fighting. The U.S. had been fighting to rid the world of communism, but only brought the communist USSR and USA together to fight their common enemy, Germany in World War two. The United States made a deal with the USSR that once Germany surrendered, ninety days after that they would declare war on Japan. The US had developed a nuclear bomb that would eventually lead to be the winning weapon of world war two.…
The cold war was a period of tension between the communist side of Europe, USSR, and the capitalist side, USA and Britain. Although it was called a cold war, there was never any declaration of war between the two sides.…
War. When looking at the international community war seems to be the one thing we can always count on to be present. The majority of us do not seem to realize that there is always a war going on somewhere in the world. We go on living our cushy lives while people all over the world are suffering. One thing we may not realize is that we are in the midst of a war ourselves. This war has been going on since 1947, and it was thought to have ended in 1991. But did the Cold War really ever end? No it did not. Yes the war between the United States and the Soviet Union that was thought to have ended 24 years ago never really did. Tensions between the United States and Russia have increased gradually since the supposed end of the Cold War, which leads…
American Society was changed significantly due to the Cold War. New ways of life developed and many fears from the Cold War changed daily life. One way American society was changed socially was people were in constant fear of a nuclear war. They afraid of a nuclear war with Russia so they went out of there way to take precautions for it like with building bomb shelters in the back yards or basements as told in document 5. Precautions also went on in schools such as the practice of bomb drills where kids would get under there desks when the alarm went off. Bomb shelters were also built into schools in case of such an emergency as well. This all changed the former ways because it interrupted daily life from the normal.…
Between 1910 and 1969 church membership in the United States increased from including 43% of the population to 69%. During these decades the United States faced many issues a whole, most notably the Cold War. In the chapter four of the Culture of the Cold War, Stephen J. Townsend portrays the significance Communism played in the incredibly fast spread of religion during the Cold War, creating a country united through belief in a higher power. This unity was shown through the actions of Billy Graham, Francis Cardinal Spellman, and President Eisenhower during the Cold War.…
The cold war affected many countries and people. It lasted about 46 years and it had the most casualties. It worried and hurt millions of people world wide. There was so much that happened during the cold war. Throughout the war it seemed that people all around the world were scared for their lives and their families. People that grew up during the cold war grew up around nuclear bomb threats, watching or listening to the news about people talking about all the deaths and terror around them. It was hard to keep children safe and out of the war. Teachers would bring tv’s and radios into the classroom and have them listen to it and watch was happing to the world around them. Children began to be drafted and involuntarily involved in the war at a very young age. The United States and the people involved in the war got taught a lot during this time. It advanced our technology. As the war continued on for 46 years, countries all around the world were competing in the space race. They were sending devices and humans up into space to come up with new technology. Such as computers, TV’s, new weapons, phones and much more was invented that changed the world and how our generation is today. A child born before the cold war grew up in fear, especially because as they grew up they knew people involved in the war and sometimes became a part of the war. Teenagers mostly, and the people with the loudest voice got drafted. Most of the people living during the cold war were against it, especially the Vietnam War which was a huge event in the cold war. Even though it wasn’t declared a war, it was the bloodiest and most gory war and took a huge part in the cold war. It affected many people especially because so many people were being drafted. Some people were sent off to Vietnam and couldn’t do anything about it and some of them never came home. It split families, friends, countries, and governments apart. It changed the ruling of some…
In the political history of the United States, the Presidential Doctrines hold an important position. Presidential Doctrine can be defined as a set of principles or practices applied by a President to a particular situation, region, or government, and a President may formulate a doctrine alone or with the help of advisers within the entire administration (Jones, 2013). According to the Monroe Doctrine to the Reagan Doctrine, in the realm of the U.S. politics and foreign affairs, presidential doctrines have played a pivotal role, and if studied from the perspective of the Cold War, the importance of the Reagan Doctrine can be ascertained. The presidential doctrine of Reagan which is popularly known as the Reagan Doctrine played a significant role in decreasing the global influence of the Soviet Union. In the course of the Cold War but it also played a crucial role in shaping the long term foreign policies of the United States in a tumultuous manner primarily because of its role in supporting the anti-Sandinista rebels (called “Contras”) and for eventually instigating the U.S. – Iran conflict, and it is due to such a roles that even today the Reagan Doctrine is considered strategically an important political approach. The Soviet regime provided a chance for Reagan to formulate a doctrine which will be able to strengthen the motivation of these rebels and eventually bring an end to the Soviet According to historians and political strategists they have often identified the Reagan Doctrine as a “strategy orchestrated and implemented by the United States under the Reagan Administration to oppose the global influence of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War” (“Reagan Doctrine”, n.d.). And it is due to its importance in respect of U.S. foreign policy that despite of the doctrine’s duration being less than a decade, it remained as “the centerpiece of United States foreign policy from the…
“Nor can it seriously be argued – as some have – that these tools of U.S. foreign policy are no longer needed now that the Cold War is over and America no longer faces major threats. There was a brief moment of euphoria follwing the collapse of the Soviet empire. But no specialized expertise is needed to realize that, far from being on the verge of a new order, the world has entered a period of great disorders. /.../In facing these new dangers, a re-examination of old priorities is needed. Cultural diplomacy, in the widest sense, has increased in importance, whereas traditional diplomacy and military power... are of limited use in coping with most of these dangers. “ (Laquer, 1994, p.…