English for Academic Writing
7th August 2012
The objective of this study is to explore the benefits of using Facebook on the activities done and information shared on Facebook. The data are collected using a questionnaire distributed to 90 undergraduate students of Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology (KICT) from International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The questionnaire contains the inquiry on how the use of Facebook can benefit students. The result of this study is important to measure the type of activities done and information sharing on Facebook that can benefit the students and others. This research found that the respondents have a variety of activities done and variety type of information shared on the Facebook. The good activities and information sharing among KICT students is important to make sure that the use of Facebook among students can benefit themselves and others.
Keywords: Facebook , type of activities, type of information sharing, benefit
Table of Content Contents | Page | Abstract | 2 | Table of Content | 3 | Introduction | 4 | Literature Review | 8 | Methodology | 9 | Findings and Discussion | 11 | Conclusion and Recommendation | 15 | References | 16 | | |
1. Introduction
2.1 Background of study
Social networking sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Myspace, Bebo, Linkedln and many more have become a popular topic among us. Without anyone realizing, almost everyone will talk about SNS in their daily life. There are hundreds of SNSs that support a wide range of interests, focus and practices. For instance, Foursquare focuses on location based on mobile social network and Facebook, Twitter and Myspace are basically focuses on general. In addition, Facebook is the leading
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