
The Use of Personal Pronouns and Emotional Language In Academic Writings

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The Use of Personal Pronouns and Emotional Language In Academic Writings
Apprentice scholars are often advised to avoid the use of personal pronouns and emotional language in their academic writing, do you agree with such advice?

Academic writing is arguably the most important language skill at university because students’ grades are largely determined by their performance in written assignments, tests and examinations or graduation thesis (Leki and Carson). The main aim of academic writing is to inform and not entertain like creative writing. Both academic writer and academic readers have no time to be entertained but they rush for useful information they are looking for. Moreover, academic writing is relatively formal. In general this means that in an essay you should avoid personal pronouns and emotional language. I partly agree with this view. Some evidence will be given to support my view in this essay.

The most important reason is that person pronounces only present individual perspectives rather than thoroughly academic perspectives, which require to show general pictures regarding the topics. For example, all of us would notice that in high school physics, the standard 60 degrees water can be felt as 30 degrees as well as 70 degrees, which shows exactly how different the abilities of people’s recognition. Therefore, personal may mislead the audiences to get the wrong outcomes. Moreover, Coffin & Hewings (2003) mentioned that “an important aspect distinguishing academic writing in different disciplines is the choice of register and particularly the choice of certain vocabulary.” In addition, some academic words are used in the specific areas, which can show article’s preferable professional and authority. Some economical article, for instance, like economists often use professional economic words to demonstrate an financial events, which creative a sense of authority while boosting an reliability for readers. Consequently, using person pronounces, in some extent, jeopardize academic article accurate and professional, even

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