*S.Shunmuga Narayanan
INTRODUCTION Social networking is built on the idea of how people know should know and interact with each other. It gives people the power to share, making the world more open and connected . Nowadays, social networking has a vital influence on our live as it helps a lot in every field of life such as political field, economic field and educational field. However, this paper tries to highlight on the use of social networking in education and explain the advantages and disadvantages of using social networking of educational purpose.
SOCIAL NETWORKING Social networking has become one of the most important communication tools among people nowadays. However, social networks exist on the Internet websites where millions of people share interests on certain disciplines, and make available to members of these networks various shared files and photos and videos, create blogs and send messages, and conduct real-time conversations. These networks are described as social, because they allow communication with friends and colleagues study and strengthen the ties between members of these networks in the space of the Internet. The most famous in the world of social networks are Facebook ( and Twitter ( and MySpace ( and others.Electronic social-networking services such as MySpace and especially Facebook have rapidly earned fame. The model of the web as a decentralized search engine to search information or communicate with others is becoming obsolete . These networks have offered many services, and one of the most important of these services is blogs, where members can participate in these locations to contribute their idea and discuss with other members.
*Ph.D Research Scholar, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.
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