Hazel F. Arbis
Shezekiah Cangson
Dave C. Enriquez
Shaira Lyn Foja
Michael Fajarito
Chenary Magne Fetalsana
Fely Jane Factor
Ann Earl Reyes
Background of the Study
Oil used in cooking foods is commonly derived from vegetables. Cooking oil is commonly used for frying. Oil used for frying is usually thrown away. The recycling of cooking oil also provides a form of revenue for restaurants, which are sometimes compensated by cooking oil recyclers for their used deep fryer oil. Cooking oil recycling also results in less used oil being disposed of in drains, which can clog sewage lines due to the build-up of fats.
Oil used in cooking oil food is commonly derived from vegetables. Cooking oil is high in fat calories. Unsaturated and saturated oils have approximately the same number of fat grams and calories, according to the calorie lab website. Olives, safflower, corn, cottonseed, canola, sunflower seed, soy palm and coconut oil all contain about 13.5 grams fat and 120 calories per tablespoon. Cooking oil is commonly used for frying. Oil used for frying is thrown away. The purified oil was compared to.
Speaking of oil, if you use it to cook, you know that a lot of it goes to waste. But what if you could clean that oil and use it over and over again? Not only would that save money, but it would also benefit the environment since most people do not properly dispose of used cooking oil (no, pouring it down the drain doesn't count).
Although considered a quintessential American style of cooking, deep-frying foods in fats or oils is an ancient cooking technique. The best oils for deep-frying should be able to withstand the necessary high temperatures without smoking. Peanut, safflower and vegetable oils are some commonly used cooking oils. Even if frying foods is an occasional event in health-conscious homes, saving money is always a good idea. Purifying and storing used cooking oils