My Pros:
I think that the MMR vaccine is very important in the way that it protects from Measles, Mumps and Rubella which are dangerous diseases and is injected in 2 doses, at 1 year old and 5 years old. In addition these are very easy to transmit as the common cold, nowadays measles mumps and rubella stays averagely about 1 week however 1 on 1000 cases will be fatal in the way that it may kills people depends on the immunity of the sufferer.
In addition it seems that there is no current treatment to heal these diseases however some studies showed that high doses of vitamin A can help counteract some other symptoms. The spread of this disease is avoided thanks to the MMR vaccine. Indeed since the 1900, 1 million cases were recensied annually, nowadays just 100, and when it appears it is usually small geographical area.
Furthermore, even if mumps or rubella are not dangerous for the health, it may causes problems while it affects pregnant mothers. Indeed during the first and the second trimester, it mays affect the baby. In fact the real reason to vaccine against rubella is to protect mother rather than babies, thanks to the MMR vaccine there is about 300 cases a year compared to 100 000 cases in the early 1900’s.
I do think that vaccines are good for health and I must admit that it created even more money than it costs and the Senator Rand Paul highlights it in the video when he says that by decreasing the tax rate at 5% it created more money, about 300 billion of dollars.
Finally some schools adopted the politics of “No vaccine No School”. In fact those schools which are concerned applied a politic where each student has to get their vaccine otherwise they cannot go in school. This solution seems a bit odd or harsh but thanks to that diseases can’t be transmitted.
My Cons:
First I got to say that oblige to vaccinate your children touches at several right. Indeed the first that come to my mind is the right of religion. Indeed in