As opposed to previous generations in the past, the amount of high-paying jobs that don’t require a college degree have plummeted significantly. This is because America has transformed from an economy based on labor and manufacturing to an economy based more upon knowledge and information. Now, even most medium income salary jobs require some sort of college degree. After high school, many students get caught up in the increased amount of money they can potentially make because they are no longer obligated to attend school. They may also lose interest in college because of the rising costs of tuition. However this amount of money is not comparable to the value a college education will bring to you. It is now more important than ever to obtain a degree because it shows that the variety of skills desired for the particular profession are met and understood. A college degree potentially offers a higher salary, employment rate, and life experiences/skills that can only be obtained through earning a degree.
Perhaps the biggest pay-off of college is the payoff itself. While you aren’t guaranteed anything, you are almost certain to attain a better paying job than you would if you didn’t attend college at all. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, every person who had earned a bachelor’s degree or higher, on average, earned over $1000 per week. While in comparison, those who received no further education than a high school diploma earned an average of $652 per week. This is a very big difference as those who have earned degrees almost doubled the income of those who haven’t. In today’s world one of the most valued things is the quality of one’s life. By going to college and earning a degree, you are increasing your chances of earning a higher income tremendously. Which in turn, almost has a direct impact on your quality of life.
One of the biggest benefits of a college degree is the increased