In the story “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury,The parents George and Lydia and their children, they purchased a smart home that lead to the passing of lydia and George, the question that I am answering is who's at fault for the deaths. In the story ¨The Veldt” the Veldt family purchases a smart home ,(this story was written in the past so keep in mind that the writer did not have current knowledge).The children in this story A young boy
In the story “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury,The parents George and Lydia and their children, they purchased a smart home that lead to the passing of lydia and George, the question that I am answering is who's at fault for the deaths. In the story ¨The Veldt” the Veldt family purchases a smart home ,(this story was written in the past so keep in mind that the writer did not have current knowledge).The children in this story A young boy