The world in which the main character, Winston Smith, is living in is run by a totalitarian government, where the citizens of Oceania are stripped of their rights and freedoms when compared to the rights Americans have today. On page 231, Winston says “To die hating them, that was freedom” which further suggests that the only type of freedom anyone living in the world of 1984 had was their own personal thoughts. The citizens living in fictional Oceania have their identity taken away and are not allowed to possess their own firearms, as they could be used for rebellion, assurances of privacy, preventing the governed from plotting to act against the government, expressing free speech or religion, or protesting for what they believe is right and just. The lack of freedom of speech in 1984 is why Emmanuel Goldstein was so infamous in the Oceanic community, as he turned on the teachings of Big Brother and supposedly founded The Brotherhood rebellion, which is something the citizens of Oceania are not able to comprehend. Being able to truly express who one is and to have individuality, different thoughts, personal beliefs and unique day to day lives is a key part of having an identity. The aspect of humanity is also a topic in the book 1984. Depending on the person, many believe that the definition of humanity is being capable to have complex thoughts which are something not associated with the characters in 1984. The government of Oceania has all its citizens brainwashed and in a robot-like state where they do and believe everything they are
The world in which the main character, Winston Smith, is living in is run by a totalitarian government, where the citizens of Oceania are stripped of their rights and freedoms when compared to the rights Americans have today. On page 231, Winston says “To die hating them, that was freedom” which further suggests that the only type of freedom anyone living in the world of 1984 had was their own personal thoughts. The citizens living in fictional Oceania have their identity taken away and are not allowed to possess their own firearms, as they could be used for rebellion, assurances of privacy, preventing the governed from plotting to act against the government, expressing free speech or religion, or protesting for what they believe is right and just. The lack of freedom of speech in 1984 is why Emmanuel Goldstein was so infamous in the Oceanic community, as he turned on the teachings of Big Brother and supposedly founded The Brotherhood rebellion, which is something the citizens of Oceania are not able to comprehend. Being able to truly express who one is and to have individuality, different thoughts, personal beliefs and unique day to day lives is a key part of having an identity. The aspect of humanity is also a topic in the book 1984. Depending on the person, many believe that the definition of humanity is being capable to have complex thoughts which are something not associated with the characters in 1984. The government of Oceania has all its citizens brainwashed and in a robot-like state where they do and believe everything they are