Pashley Sims
POL 201
Nicole Reale
The War on Terror During times of war the role of the president’s is responsible for martial law. The military plays a role in the martial law because it is too make sure everything is governed correctly. Habeas Corpus is established so that a person can know what their charge is. However, if the defendant claim is denied the Supreme Court will take control over the trial. The United States has being the target of several terror attacks. Habeas corpus is an important civil right that should be given to those accused of committing acts of terror. The writ of Habeas corpus is established for any prisoner that is brought before a judge. The writ justifies the defendant to stand trial. If the defendant denied the trial however, the judge will dismiss the trial. Under the US constitutional law the American celebrates the Habeas corpus liberties under a safe guard to give all terrors a chance to attend their trial. Since, June 2004 and 2008 the Habeas corpus has being change because of matter of the trail and historical interest which lead to the Supreme Court to decide about the trial. Habeas case can interact with three interconnected and they are judicial jurisdiction, ordering their release such as ended the trail if the terror that does not show up for their case, and to see if the terrors are enemy combatant of the United States as when terrors attacks the United States. The noncitizen should hold their trial in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba were the Habeas corpus plays a role in which gives them the authority to stand trial. When congress tried to interfere with the Habeas corpus this is when Boumediene step in and let people know congress interfere with the Suspension Clause of Article 1. Therefore, in the United States the Habeas corpus cannot be suspended unless it invasion the public safety. The Supreme courts are looking for important information about the terrors. However, the court has left