
The War Of The Worlds By Hg Wells Essay

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The War Of The Worlds By Hg Wells Essay
The War of The Worlds by HG Wells was influenced by his life, more specifically his education and location, he was influenced by the time period so much so that the idea of invasion by the Martians in the novel connects to Britain's imperial tendencies (Youngs). Wells’s education had a heavy emphasis on science, especially Darwinism which is shown through the narrator’s scientific view and direct corrections to darwinism (Authors and Artists for Young Adults). Wells life is also presented in the text through the novel’s setting, which was where Wells lived (Sinclair) . The War of The Worlds is thought of by critics as a scientific romance, it was written in a prime time of romanticism, but at the time the novel was published it stunned the …show more content…

Then the Martians land in pits but are too heavy to move so they build themselves bodies and start terrorizing England with a heat ray. This continues for a while and then it gets worse-- the Martians are revealed to feed on the blood of other organisms but their favorites are humans, so they start dragging humans into pits. It seems like all hope is lost. Then all the Martians start dying because of a bacteria on earth that the Martians’s immune systems cannot handle. The narrator returns home by train to what he thinks is an empty home but his wife is waiting for him. The main character is the narrator. He is never given a name. He has a wife who went to Leatherhead when the Martians invade while he goes in search of information. He is very precocious and intelligent. The narrator’s brother is also a main character , he is only referred to as “my brother”. He is brave and attempts to flee London along with many other british people terrified of the Martians. The War of the Worlds is told from first person but shifts to third person omnipresent as the narrator starts telling his brother’s story . Wells also uses great description to describe England torn apart by the invasion by the Martians (Wells). Wells wanted his writing viewed as a ‘"as a system of ideas"’(Gunn). He was known as a writer of “scientific romanticism” later known as science

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