Title: Warning Obesity campaign
Thesis : Can the campaign bring the positive effects? This essay will argue that the obesity warning campaign including obese children cause opposite effects, instead of positive effects on children as well as their parents.
I. First of all, Kids are getting fatter and fatter here in America and it’s all happening at an alarming rate.
II. Second, ABC News reported that the health organization produced these ads after surveying parents in two Georgia towns.
III. Third, the goal of the advertisements is to shock families into recognizing that obesity is a problem.
Conclusion : Child obesity is become a serious concern in the U.S. These days, obesity prevention campaign that includes obese children is controversial. Many states use anti-obesity campaign materials like a post, ad, there are negative warning.
Warning Obesity campaign
In less than a decade the issue of childhood obesity has become a leading public health concern in the U.S. Obesity is complex and controversial. Despite extensive debate in scientific and lay communities, no single reason has been found to explain why obesity rates have risen so dramatically. Taxes dominate the debate on solving America's obesity epidemic. Arizona considers a plan to impose a $50 fat tax on obese Medicaid patients. Like this, seriousness of obesity is not others problem anymore. However, these days, an obesity prevention campaign that includes obese children is controversial. In Atlanta, Georgia, in anti-obesity campaign materials like a post, ad, there are negative warning labels such as, "FAT KIDS BECOME FAT ADULTS". Can the campaign bring the positive effects? This essay will argue that the obesity warning campaign including obese children cause opposite effects, instead of positive effects on children as well as their parents.
First of all, Kids are getting fatter and fatter here in America and it’s all happening at an alarming rate. The number of overweight children has tripled since 1980, and today one in three American kids (ages 2 to 19) are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And in Georgia, where 1 million children are considered overweight the situation is especially dire. Georgia has the second highest rate of childhood obesity in the nation. At the same time, “a majority of parents of obese and overweight children underestimate their child’s weight,” a 2009 study showed. These children are all at an increased risk for developing such diseases as diabetes and hypertension. The Georgia made the obesity warning campaign including obese children for giving awareness to people. The campaign producer insists that if the campaign is not strong, people will not respond so the campaign has to have impact factors. However, NIH(National Institutes of Health)'s Alan Guttmacher said that the ads carry "a great risk of increasing stigma" around childhood obesity and, as a result, pose "risks to the psychological health" of obese adolescents. The social stigma is the severe disapproval of, or discontent with, a person on the grounds of characteristics that distinguish them from other members of a society. Stigma may attach to a person, who differs from social or cultural norms. In other words, the warning campaign including obese children stigmatizes obese children as a person who has a problem socially ("Georgia_ad_campaign_bullies_obese_kids."). Besides, the obese children can undergo maladjustment in their school. For example, the obese children who have a great risk of stigma through warning campaign arouse lack of physical activity. The reason occurs in order to avoid to ordinary children tease. Also, on the contrary, phenomenon like fighting, stealing, and substance abuse can occur to obese children.
Second, ABC News reported that the health organization produced these ads after surveying parents in two Georgia towns. They discovered that 75 percent of parents with obese children were not aware that their children were overweight, while 50 percent of parents didn’t realize that childhood obesity was a problem to begin with. And nearly 40 percent of children in a state are overweight or obese. However, although this statistic of survey shows that parent also do not recognize their children are not overweight or obesity, obese children through direct warning obesity campaign can hurt their mental health deadly as well as their family. There are examples about mental symptom. Obese children are gotten critical stress. Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. America spends money about $300billion every year for health care and solving stress fee of people who have stress (NYtimes.2004.9.5: America institute of stress). Obese children are more sensitive than normal children, so they can take a stress easily. The stress connected with obesity brings on another factor getting a fat. There are symptoms of stress. One of the stress hormone cortisol, causing abdominal obesity increases the risk of heart disease. And Stress on the body as well as the creation of more fat in the form of food will affect. In this way when there is increasing stress is eaten fatter than when the others have been consumed. Another example is that obese children can suffer depression easily from long term stress. Obesity causes depression. Studies have shown that obese people are about 25 percent more likely to experience a mood disorder like depression compared with those who are not obese. Obesity can cause poor self-image, low self-esteem, and social isolation, all known contributors to depression. Those who are obese can also find themselves ostracized, stereotyped, and discriminated against. The extra weight carried around by obese people can result in chronic joint pain as well as serious diseases like diabetes and hypertension, all of which have been linked to depression. Also, depression causes obesity. A study of adolescents in Cincinnati found that teenagers with symptoms of depression were more likely to become obese within the next year. The study also found that kids who were borderline obese and depressed became substantially obese over the following year. People experiencing depression are more likely to overeat or make poor food choices, avoid exercising, and become more sedentary. Researchers have found that depressed people with decreased levels of the hormone serotonin also have a tendency toward obesity — they tend to eat in an attempt to self-medicate and restore their serotonin levels to normal. Third, the goal of the advertisements is to shock families into recognizing that obesity is a problem. And the advertisements are part of a five-year, $25 million anti-obesity effort. It includes training pediatricians, getting programs in schools, and setting up a clinic to treat the medical and psychological issues related to obesity. If the long term warning campaign of Strong life sees largely and widely, the producers will expect to reach for their goals like a local finance, Georgia’s ranks of obesity in nations. However, recognition of parents who are targeted to the advertisement and their children will be social wickedness in community because ripple effect of advertisement is huge. There is reason why effect of advertisement is huge. The reason is that people can accept an abnormal situation, for example, when people watch an advertisement of obese children warning obesity and overweight, recognition of people will be that ‘obese children is danger in society’, or ‘their problem is serious, so must not become obesity’. Also, indeed, the reason why obese children are appeared is fault of their parent who does not recognition about obesity? That is not true. There are three reasons except for parent’s fault. One of reasons of obesity is gene. Some people tend to stay the same weight for years without much effort, whereas others find they put on weight quickly if they are not careful about what they eat. This could be due, in part, to our genes. And some genetic conditions can increase their appetite, so they end up eating too much. There are also genes that determine how much fat their body stores. A particular genetic variation could mean that their body is more likely to store fat than somebody else. Another is Psychological factor. Psychological factors may also influence eating habits. Many people eat in response to negative emotions such as boredom, sadness, or anger. Most overweight people have no more psychological problems than people of average weight. Still, up to 10 percent of people who are mildly obese and try to lose weight on their own or through commercial weight loss programs have binge eating disorder. This disorder is even more common in people who are severely obese. During a binge eating episode, people eat large amounts of food and feel that they cannot control how much they are eating. Those with the most severe binge eating problems are also likely to have symptoms of depression and low self-esteem. These people may have more difficulty losing weight and keeping it off than people without binge eating problems. The other is illness obese children have. Some illnesses can lead to obesity or a tendency to gain weight. These include hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, depression, and certain neurological problems that can lead to overeating. Also, drugs such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain. A doctor can tell whether there are underlying medical conditions that are causing weight gain or making weight loss difficult.
In conclusion, child obesity is become a serious concern in the U.S. These days, obesity prevention campaign that includes obese children is controversial. Many states use anti-obesity campaign materials like a post, ad, there are negative warning. However campaign sometimes bring the negative effects than positive effects such as kids are getting fatter and fatter here in America and it’s all happening at an alarming rate, ABC News reported that the health organization produced these ads after surveying parents in two
Georgia towns, and the goal of the advertisements is to shock families into recognizing that obesity is a problem. That’s why this essay was argued that the obesity warning campaign including obese children cause opposite effects, instead of positive effects on children as well as their parents.
Works Cited
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