The Tales of the Black Freighter was a popular pirate comic series in the fictional “Watchmen” universe. It was written by Max Shea, whose popularity began with the thirty issue pirate series and continued into his novel writing career. “Marooned,” a two-part storyline, was the most popular story from the series. In the Watchmen, a youth named Bernard read the second half of the first issue and the second issue on a New York street corner. The story detailed a mariner marooned by the pirates of the Black Freighter, who becomes obsessed with returning to his home of Davidstown to warn of the impending pirate attack. After he built a raft made of fallen shipmates, he slowly descended into madness on his journey back. After braving the ocean and its perils, he arrived back to his hometown in a daze, culminating in a disturbing twist of fate. The major events of this story parallel the same struggles and
The Tales of the Black Freighter was a popular pirate comic series in the fictional “Watchmen” universe. It was written by Max Shea, whose popularity began with the thirty issue pirate series and continued into his novel writing career. “Marooned,” a two-part storyline, was the most popular story from the series. In the Watchmen, a youth named Bernard read the second half of the first issue and the second issue on a New York street corner. The story detailed a mariner marooned by the pirates of the Black Freighter, who becomes obsessed with returning to his home of Davidstown to warn of the impending pirate attack. After he built a raft made of fallen shipmates, he slowly descended into madness on his journey back. After braving the ocean and its perils, he arrived back to his hometown in a daze, culminating in a disturbing twist of fate. The major events of this story parallel the same struggles and