This paper investigates the short-term wealth effects on foreign acquirers and Chinese targets involved in 37 cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in Chinese financial sector during the period 1990-2005. The intra-industry effects of significant cross-border M&As are then analyzed by examining the wealth effects on the rivals of Chinese target firms. The empirical results show that both experienced foreign bidders and Chinese targets obtain significant positive wealth gains during the event, while inexperienced foreign bidders suffer losses. This paper also demonstrates that foreign bidders with Chinese banking targets experience positive wealth gains, while they suffer losses with Chinese non-banking targets. Moreover, this paper shows that the wealth gains to foreign bidders are positively related to exchange rate volatility and to the size, business scope and geographic location of the foreign bidders. In addition, this paper documents the fact that intra-industry effects vary across events and rivals for significant cross-border M&As. More specifically, the event-specific effect is time-variable along with change in the Chinese legal system. Rivals of larger size, higher prior stock returns and lower book to market ratio, experience more favorable wealth effects. In addition, the rivals listed in Hong Kong experience better wealth gains than those listed in mainland China.
Key words: cross-border M&As, Chinese financial institutions, wealth effect, intra-industry effect
JEL Classification: G31; G34 1. Introduction
During the past decades an unprecedented wave of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) has been witnessed worldwide, possibly due to regulation and policy changes, firm restructuring, increased economic integration and international trade, target firm undervaluation, and the strong global financial market to
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