As the Franklin said “But at last, because of his great worth, and particularly because of his meek obedience, … that she privately agreed to take him for her husband and her lord ” (Lines 10-14). This is ultimately the reason as to why Dorigen never cheated on her husband when he was away unlike all the other stories. Thus showing us that marriage could only be successful if it was a voluntary commitment shared by both parties. Although Aurelius had the opportunity to fulfill his desires with Dorigen, he ultimately gave up and respected Dorigen’s loyalty to her husband. As Aurelius told the philosopher “how loath she was to be a wicked wife, and that she would rather have lost her life that day, and that she had sworn her oath in innocence”(Lines 870-873) Surprisingly Aurelius’ integrity is greater than his lust and thus he is willing to let Dorigen return to Arveragus untainted. This tale not only had the unpredictably plot that left us at the edge of our seats but also shows us the integrity and loyalty that we should all strive to
As the Franklin said “But at last, because of his great worth, and particularly because of his meek obedience, … that she privately agreed to take him for her husband and her lord ” (Lines 10-14). This is ultimately the reason as to why Dorigen never cheated on her husband when he was away unlike all the other stories. Thus showing us that marriage could only be successful if it was a voluntary commitment shared by both parties. Although Aurelius had the opportunity to fulfill his desires with Dorigen, he ultimately gave up and respected Dorigen’s loyalty to her husband. As Aurelius told the philosopher “how loath she was to be a wicked wife, and that she would rather have lost her life that day, and that she had sworn her oath in innocence”(Lines 870-873) Surprisingly Aurelius’ integrity is greater than his lust and thus he is willing to let Dorigen return to Arveragus untainted. This tale not only had the unpredictably plot that left us at the edge of our seats but also shows us the integrity and loyalty that we should all strive to