everyone cheering with a heroic glance at the man, I look puzzled like a toddler saying a swear word, but not knowing what it has did or said. The rebels help me off the dragon.
And bring me into a tent to block the heavy,also grim rain, that fills the black hole in the sky. A women comes in she look as if she is the general of the camp although many men before her look strong. While she looks at all the men as peasants and slaves, she gives me a surprising welcoming smile. Her name is Sam she gives me a hug and tells me it's “Good you're home son.” After that she says I’m your “Mother.” I think when I was in a prison before I always asked why I’m here to the Queen she told me for “My mother’s animal behaviour.” Those words always wanted me to just sit in my cell and wonder who is my mom and why would she get me in a prison! I yelled at her and said “Why would you put me in a cell.” She looks down with a depression stare and says “I'm sorry that it had to be that way it was to make plans to take down the Queen’s wrath. I calm down and say “I’m sick of hearing about this Queen’s wrath what is this thing.” She explains it’s the curse that the Queen is brewing to make all of us mind control freaks that will do anything she says as if were dogs in pound. She says that they have explosives wired like a jigsaw puzzle throughout the castle. All I had to do is press the red glowing button of
destruction. I thought of many things but, one the Queen’s feelings as I seen the Castle light up like a christmas tree.