
The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Sparknotes

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The book “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” was about this girl, Kit, who leaves her home in the Barbados to live with her Aunt and Uncle. Kit leaves her home because her grandfather had died. She was living with her grandfather because both of her parents had died. A man had bought the grandfather’s land and was playing to marry Kit even though Kit was only 16. She goes on a boat by herself with all strangers. When she is on the ship she dives into the water to reveal that she can swim. Some of the characters start to believe she is a witch because she can float. In the old days it was said that the non guilty sink and the guilty float. She meets Nat which Kit later on realizes that she loves him. Also on the ship she meets John. John shares his studies with Kit about owning his …show more content…

She later meets her cousins Judith and Mercy. Kit shows Judith and Mercy her dresses and gloves. As Judith and Mercy had the dresses on Kit’s uncle walks and gets frustrated with Kit. She tells her Uncle that she would be giving them the dresses. Her uncle says no because their family just not take her charity. Kit learns that she has to the Saturday meeting which is like a Sunday at church. Kit soon starts teaching children with Mercy. Kit plays a game with the children and then she cannot teach again until later now. After this happens Kit goes to hide out in the meadow by Blackbird Pond. She soon meets the “witch”. She learns that Hannah is actually not a witch she is just a nice old woman. She starts to go there often to talk about her feelings with Hannah. Her uncle told her she could not go back to Hannah’s house. Kit and Mercy began to teach again. Kit found Prudence, a young girl, outside of their house trying to hear the teachings so she could learn to read and write. Kit tells Prudence to go to Hannah’s house so she can teach her there. Kit soon meets William whom she is supposed to marry. William begins to build a house for

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