Auspiciously- (adverb)
1. promising success; propitious; opportune; favorable
2. favored by fortune- prosperous; fortunate
Synonym: fortunately
Antonym: unfavorably
Cowed- (verb) to frighten with threats, violence, etc.; intimidate; overawe
Synonym: abash
Antonym: encourage
disheartening- (verb) to depress the hope, courage, or spirits of; discourage
Synonym: dampen
Antonym: encourage
fulsome- (adjective)
1.offensive to good taste, esp. as being excessive; overdone or gross
2.disgusting; sickening; repulsive
3.excessively or insincerely lavish
4.encompassing all aspects; comprehensive
5.abundant or copious
Synonym: insincere
Antonym: reasonable
hankering- (noun)
A longing; craving
Synonym: urge
Antonym: reasonable
nonplussed- (verb) to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely
Synonym: astonish
Antonym: explain
punctilious- (adjective) extremely attentive to punctilious; strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or action
Synonym: observant
Antonym: careless
timorous- (adjective)
1. full of fear; fearful
2. subject to fear; timid
3. characterized by or indicating fear
Synonym: apprehensive
Antonym: bold
adroit- (adjective)
1. expert or nimble in the use of the hands or body
2. cleverly skilled, resourceful, or ingenious
Synonym: adept
Antonym: clumsy
composure- (noun)
Serene, self-controlled state of mind; calmness; tranquility
Synonym: case
Antonym: agitation
decorum- (noun)
1. dignified propriety of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
2. the quality or state of being orderliness, regularity
3. usually, decorum’s an observance or requirement of polite society.
Synonym: dignity
Antonym: impoliteness
enthrall- (verb)
1. to captivate or charm
2. to put or hold in slavery; subjugate
Synonym: spellbound
Antonym: weary
incoherent- (adjective)
1. without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed
2.characterized by such thought or language, as a person
3. not coherent, or cohering
4. lacking