The “woman” in this story evoked no emotion. She did not care about anything around her, and felt as if the antagonist did not care about her. This is demonstrated through figurative language when she is leaving work and the news stations named the occurrence that is happening “The Disappocalypse.” Leaving the protagonist with nothing to hope or hold onto. Causing the “woman” to abruptly leave the office and say to herself, “I didn’t tell anyone where I was going… I knew I wouldn’t be coming back” (Kleeman). Which results in showing the protagonist could have a form of depression, causing an imbalance of brain cells “talking” to each other (The Unforgettable …show more content…
Therefore, “There's a difference, however, between normal changes in memory and memory loss associated with… mental disease and related disorders (“Memory Loss”). In the story, diction is displayed when the “woman” thinks about cashing out her retirement plans, which indicates that possibly the woman could be elderly, giving her a higher percentage of having a mental illness. Mental illnesses can be very challenging to get through on your own, leaving you to want the feeling of someone there for you. In the short story the protagonist said “I heard that we were saying the same thing, though I didn’t understand how it was possible for us to mean it so differently” (Kleeman). This showed in the story, the protagonist talking to her claimed “loved one” but in reality, displays the conflict within herself. Fighting constant battles, even though she was trying to hold on for a little longer, she knew there was nothing to be done about it. Her mind kept telling her one thing, but all she was telling herself is when is it time to