Every human in the world has a significant impact on the water cycle, as well me. Every day I use resources and have a major impact in into this cycle. We often use resources without thinking much about it. It is simply normal to us, that’s enough of these resources are available for the people. Water is just always available for us.
In every day that I take a shower, take a bath, cook with water or just go swimming in a sea I have an important influence on our water cycle. Water which I use comes from our community water supplying system.
This water has been cleaned of bacteria and so on. This water is from reservoirs filled by the rain and ground water. It does cost much work …show more content…
If I don’t take care about of our environment and for example, don’t recycle waste I impacted our water cycle.
I consume a lot of electricity in my home, every day. Electricity requires to a whole part, fossil fuels for producing power stations. There is also an impact on the water cycle – the stations use coal for example. There is an impact to the cycle because coal is mined in crafts. If there is less coal in the soil, the water is less filtered and not as clean as before. The trees can’t grow on the crafted soil. Fewer trees produce, less condensate. Less condensate produces less water in the reverse.
My life changes significantly if I try to reduce my impacts on the environment because I diminish my comfort. Maybe I think deeper about the consequences, of my personal actions, maybe more concrete about the products which I buy in a supermarket. I could think about the production steps of a product or how many toxins are being released in the economic cycling after or until is producing the …show more content…
So, we should find a middle way of this. Conclusion
Yes, I can change some behaviors to reduce the impact to our water cycle. I can take a shower instead of taking a bath to reduce the amount of water I use for my personal hygiene. I can try to reduce the amounts of waste from plastics (much water is required to produce). I can also use public transport instead of my own car to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses.
A big impact to the water cycle has the energy consumption of my electronic devices and light bulbs, which is easy to reduce.
I easily can reduce the amount of consumed energy in my home with installing energy saving lamps or LED lamps to reduce the amount of energy used in my home. I can switch off devices if I don’t use them actively because devices sometimes use energy in standby mode.
The selection of an electric supplier, which use renewable energy sources, like wind or solar could also have a positive impact on our water