Founded 1920
Founder Robert Baden-Powell its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland
Purpose 2. The purpose of the Scout Movement is to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.
There are as many projects as there are Scout groups, i.e. tens of thousands in the world. These projects are at the heart of the life of the Scout Movement and encompass its capacity of social innovation: for each situation, for each problem, for each need expressed by young people and their community, Scouting proposes different social solutions, all based on the same promise, that is to build a better world.
Mobilising young people at a global level
Scouting is a social force that takes action at an international level. It is a leading global movement for advocacy in the following fields:
Understanding the effects of globalisation
Sustainable development
Cultural diversity
The rights of children and young people
Youth employability
Responsible governance
The fight against racism
The fight against social exclusion
Equal opportunities for men and women
Youth involvement and youth citizenship
Youth policies
The promotion of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals
Protection of the environment
These fields of action are conducted in conjunction with the United Nations system, the organisations of civil society, youth representative platform, and all partners of the Scout Movement.
Taking action at local level