The world we are going to live
By Masoud Noordeh
To analysis the effects of some fields of the subject on each other living in the future makes it possible to prevent from unwanted scenarios which may be harmful for our future life, I account for all the fields such as demography, food, natural environment, research, and etc as a sub-system of human life in which their combinations make a system. I chose five of them that, in my view point, are more important and will be discussing the rests that are related to them and also to each others.
Key words: Nat. environment; demography; food; security; technology
We are as a human beings living together in a big society and in a natural environment. With a keen sight to our Nat. Environment we see that our living depends on, which is intelligently designed benefaction for the human beings for sustaining life on the earth for generations after generations. So, we have to preserve and conserve this God gift. These human beings construct societies leading into the social demography with the dynamics of human population which including their size, structure, and transformations. This helps us to project and estimate the trends in the growth of the population with above mentioned categories. On the other hand, from the stand point of governments, there is an increasing desire to understand what makes a stable health for population, that is, more democratic, more ability to prepare the needs of its citizens, healthy people, and more peaceful society. For example, countries in which most of its girls attend high school and most of its women are working have better maternal and child health indicator as a result, its rate of fertility is lower. So, identifying relation between demographics and securities can brighten more effective strategies for global institutions and governments to work together to eliminate poverty and create more a stable world. On the
References: 1-{1}World population projected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050- UN report, UN news centre. Retrieved August 1, 2013 from 2-{2} Global Carbon Projects 2008, Carbon budget and trends 2007. Retrieved July 28, 2013 From http://www.globalcarbon trends/index.htm. 3-{3} id=5409&page=81 4- West, L. (2009) population growth expected to cause a food, water, and energy crisis by 2030. Retrieved August 2, 2013 from 5-Certo c, Samuel.(1980) Principles of modern management. Iowa: Wm. c. Brown company publishers. 6-Thomas w, Johnson & John E, Stinson. (1978) Management today and tomorrow. Philippines: Addison-wesley publishing company, inc. 7- Gernand, J. (2011) the earth can feed, clothe, and house 12 billion people. Retrieved August 4, 2013 From