The World’s Natural Resources Become Scarce or Too Expensive
As the world’s natural resources become scarce or too expensive, the world has begun to use substitute resources. One resource that is being used in place of gasoline is biodiesel. A renewable fuel, produced from agricultural resources such as vegetable oils, biodiesel has more than one good thing going for it. It reduces the emission of gases responsible for global warming, promotes rural development, contributes toward the goal of energy security, is renewable, and reduces pollution. Biodiesel provides better engine performance and lubrication. Using biodiesel causes less maintenance issues than normal fuel, but can release deposits that can accumulate on tank walls and pipes from previous diesel fuel, which can initially cause fuel filter clogs. Changing the fuel filter after the first tank of biodiesel should fix any problem this causes. Also, biodiesel can degrade rubber fuel system components, such as hoses and pump seals. As an alternative to diesel, it can help reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil. Biodiesel also provides significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. The use of biodiesel also reduces emissions of carbon monoxide, particulate matter (PM), and sulfates, as well as hydrocarbon and air toxics emissions.
The basis for the trends in consumption patterns includes the ever increasing prices of fuel globally, the tax incentives offered by the government and supply and demand. As the government aggressively pursues targets; enacts investor-friendly tax incentives for production and blending; helps promote research & development in new biodiesel feed stocks such as algae biodiesel, the consumer awareness for biodiesel will increase as will the need. Global usage is affected by the government enacting new alternative fuel policies and targets to offset energy security and environmental concerns. More benefits of using biodiesel include stimulating the economy, reduce emissions, and increase our energy independence.
The Supply and demand
References: Business Wire 2007. Global Biofuel Trends Multiply in Numbers, Finds Market Study from Emerging Markets Online. Retrieved February 29, 2008 from
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Smartway Grow and Go. Retrieved February 29, 2008 from