Ms. Cadoa
English 1301
5 March 2011
The worst kind of hypocrite is a religious hypocrite
When you think of the word hypocrite, religion is the first thing that comes to your mind. In
this day and age we have a lot of religious groups or people calling each other hypocrites. I think
a hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does another. These people are very
difficult to get honesty from. They tell others how to live their lives and then often do not
follow the same advice that they are giving. This is very evident in people who claim to be
religious and tell others how to live, yet do not practice what they tell others to do. These people claim to be an example, yet do not live by it. Being religious and claiming religion is two different things. This is where the term ``practice what you preach originated. Religious hypocrites are bad because they do not follow their own instructions, because they are dishonest and because they set a bad example for others. If you look around the world today you can see the many religious organizations saying and
doing things for themselves not for the sake of doing right because of religious beliefs. The
people in the Churches today are following pastors, preaches, bishops and doctors instead of the
word of “GOD”. The congregations see and know what some of these leaders of the churches are
during but, they insist on following them instead of the word of “GOD”. Some of our religious
leader put themselves above the rest of the congregations. Where I’m from we call it the
“HOLIER THAN THOU” attitude. You get scorned for the use of vulgar language, smoking,
drinking. There was a rumor is going around in the church. The Pastor; co-pastors and deacons
were in the church lounge doing everything they spoke against.
You think to yourself what a bunch of hypocrites.
We can’t follow hypocrites we need to follow the Bible in Matthew Chapter 23 is entirely
devoted to the