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Course Forum wk5 Options Menu: Forum
Discuss the challenges of cross-cultural communications. Select three of these challenges and list/describe them. Please be thorough with your explanations, written in paragraphs. Your response should be at least 400-words.
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Course Forum wk 6 Options Menu: Forum
Forum is not available. Available after: Sunday, November 10, 2013 12:00:00 PM EST.
Research business communication customs on any country other than the USA. After researching the communication customs of the country you chose, post information that you feel is important about customs of that country to share with the class. Such as:
1) What does one need to be aware of to conduct business and communicate in this country?
2) What topics to avoid in conversation?
3) Business traditions/customs (i.e.- dress; gift giving; business cards, gender roles, etc.)
4) Other business items of professional interest.
Please do not provide any unrelated information, such as import/export activities, GDP,religion, government, etc. This should be at minimum 350-words.
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Course Forum wk7 Options Menu: Forum
Forum is not available. Available after: Sunday, November 17, 2013 12:00:00 PM EST.
Many believe that consumerism, over-consumption, and profit-seekers dominate our market culture. The Federal Trade Commission provides guidelines to businesses