Reading “Why I Wrote ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’” I came to feel that Gilman made both the narrator’s brother and husband doctors to make point that men in general were the dominant species. Having both men as doctors shows that men had the well established careers, knowledge, authority, and the women were meant to be submissive and domesticated. Men were the doctors who told women "live as domestic a life as far as possible," to "have but two hours' intellectual life a day”. Gilman showed that the narrator’s true illness was mental illness and letting man have power over her thoughts, actions and life as she once did.…
Prevailing attitudes in the late nineteenth century in America were that women were frail, feeble-minded, and prone to hysteria unless carefully managed by men. A key passage in the story that illustrates this is when the narrator says “If a physician of high standing, and one’s own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression-a slight hysterical tendency-what is one to do?” (Gilman 792). In Gilman’s story, the narrator’s husband John is not only her spouse but a respected physician. This dual status gives John a weight of seeming wisdom that creates an unhealthy atmosphere for the narrator. She says that “It is so hard to talk with John about my case, because he is so wise, and because he loves me so” (797). First she is taken out of her usual habitat as they live in a rented house for the summer, and then she is separated from her family and friends.…
In “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Gilman portrays the ill effects of marital gender roles through the characterization of the narrator and her husband, John. The narrator suffers from mental illness and is trying to recuperate with the guidance of her physician husband. John’s roles as her husband and her physician create an unbalanced distribution of power in their relationship, allowing him to assert a tremendous amount of dominance over her as two strong authority figures. This is apparent when the narrator complains about…
Gilman used her chance as a writer to critique the role of a married women. Turning this issue into a theme found within “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Gilman challenged the subordination of women in marriage with the narrator’s relationship with her husband John, who also happens to be her physician. Though her husband is careful and loving to her, he misjudges her thoughts and dominates over her because of his status of being her physician: “You see he does not believe I am sick! And what can one do? If a physician of high standing, and one’s own husband, assures friends and relatives that there is really nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression-a slight hysteria tendency-what is one to do?” (Gilman 238). The narrator has no voice for herself, she is trapped and unhappy under what her husband says: “John says if I don’t pick up faster he shall send me to Weir Michell in the fall. But I don’t want to go there at all…”(Gilman 242). The narrator had no one to believe in her and no one to stand up for her; she can’t even stand up for herself, because of the reputation behind having…
Throughout "The Yellow Wall-Paper," Charlotte Gilman uses various symbols to show the oppression of women by men, and the continuing struggle to escape that oppression. The three main symbols that run throughout the story lend the most support to this. The yellow wall-paper is an indication of the mental restrictions that were placed upon women by men during the 1800s. As yellow is oft considered the color of sickness or weakness, the sickness that the writer suffers from is the continuing oppression and struggle that continues to this very day by women. Gilman shows that the possibilities of women are as vast as those of man, and that during the 19th century those possibilities were severely restricted. This is shown through the descriptions of the two windows and the view from each. The writer sees other doing acts she could do herself, just as women saw acts of man that they could do with the same level of competency. Entirely, "The Yellow Wall-Paper" is a statement of the oppression of the female sex by mankind.On page 835 the description of the two windows and the view from them by the writer is a representation of the possibilities of the female sex, and how those possibilities were limited and restricted by men during the 19th and into the 20th century. The first view is described as "I can see the garden, those mysterious deep-shaded arbor, the riotous old-fashioned flowers, and bushes and gnarly trees." The "garden" is a clear symbol of the earth, or society, and the use of "mysterious" shows that the possibilities that women have are undiscovered to them. In the next view the writer describes seeing a "lovely view of the bay" and a "private wharf belonging to the estate." The bay is a reference to the uncharted territory of womankind's abilities and the private estate is clearly indicating the sections of society forbidden to women. The description of seeing "people walking in the numerous paths and arbors" is the idea of women seeing the acts of men, and…
Essay 1: The Yellow Wallpaper: Choose one or more incidents in "The Yellow Wallpaper" and explain what is disclosed and what is concealed in the story between the characters. How does this technique affect the reader's interpretation of the events in the stories? Compare an event from your life that is similar in terms of having both disclosed and concealed information. What did you learn from this?…
Who was Charlotte Perkins Gilman?Charlotte Perkins Gilman was an author of several books and a pioneer woman of suffrage reform. 2.…
When a person is locked up for to long with no social interaction, insanity is likely to arise.…
Charlotte Perkin Gilman is internationally known for her short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper”. Gilman was born on July 3, 1860. After marriage, she endured depressions several times shortly after her first daughter was born. Gilman suffered from mental breakdowns which soon lead to melancholia. Her personal experiences, dealing with post-partum depression, are what inspired Gilman to write the story, “The Yellow Wallpaper”. This story revolves around the main character, Jane, and how she copes with her illness. Jane suffers from post-partum depression, and to “cure” this illness, she is kept isolated from the world. In this short story there are many influences that impact the conflict of the story. Social influences are present in the story as Jane is kept isolated from the world. Also, cultural events in the story, related to the Victorian era, when women were treated unequally, built up the storyline. Finally, several personal events in Gilman’s past are shown throughout the story and add to the story’s conflict. Therefore, Charlotte Perkin Gilman incorporates several aspects of her own life into her short story, “The Yellow Wallpaper” that becomes evident through the explanation of the Gilman’s universal truth that treating women inhumanely will only result in negative outcomes; it is the reverse cure for an illness.…
“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a story of a woman who finds she is slowly slipping into insanity. The woman knows she is unwell, but her husband John who is a doctor, describes her illness as a temporary depressive nervousness. Because John is a doctor, he believes that he knows best, and has confined her to a room within a home they rented. In order to help his wife, John has set limits to what his wife will and will not participate in. John orders her to rest and to relieve herself from writing or any type of work. In doing so, the woman slowly begins to disassociate herself from reality. She has become so obsessed with the yellow wallpaper in the room, that the figure trapped behind the wallpaper is becoming more…
In the story the Yellow Wall Paper, the narrator is making a statement which is saying that if you are locked up in a house or "prison" you are not being allowed to be put to your full potential with society. She is using the narrator's point of view to show how mental issues start to occur when you are confined to one place and have no actual view of the outside world. That statement also includes the effects of your mind when you can only think to yourself and imagine. The main character's mind starts to go insane when thinking too much into things. Throughout the story the main character looks into every little detail of the room and analyzes it. This is the effect of having too much time on her hands and not having anything better to do.…
John Spends more time trying to be his wife’s doctor instead of being her husband. By treating her as a “case” or a “wife” and not as a person with a will of her own he helps destroy her, which is the last thing he wants. “I get unreasonably angry with John sometimes. I'm sure I never used to be so sensitive. I think it is due to this nervous condition. But John says if I feel so, I shall neglect proper self-control; so I take pains to control myself—before him, at least, and that makes me very tired” (Gilman 275). Although he thinks there is nothing wrong with her, he just keeps her in this room with “The Yellow Wallpaper”. “John is a physician, and perhaps (I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind) perhaps that is one reason I do not get well faster. You see he does not believe I am sick!”(Gilman 275). Even though John’s treatment for the narrator’s depression goes terribly wrong, I believe he was trying to help her, not make her worse. The genuine issue with John is the inclusive power he has in his consolidated part as the narrator's spouse and doctor. “I did write for a while in spite of them; but it does exhaust me a good deal having to be so sly about it, or else meet with heavy opposition. I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less opposition and more society and stimulus, but John says the very worst thing I can do is to think about my condition, and I confess it always makes me feel bad”. (Gilman 275). John is positive that he knows what is best for his wife that he disregards her own opinion of the matter, forcing her to hide her true feelings. He consistently patronizes her. He calls her “a blessed little goose” and vetoes her smallest wishes, such as when he refuses to switch bedrooms so as not to overindulge her “fancies”. She constantly states her…
The narrator is a young, upper-middle class woman, newly married and mother. She is undergoing care for depression by her husband John, who is a physician. The narrator is a complete contrast to her husband. From the very beginning, you easily notice that the narrator is an imaginative and highly expressive woman. It is rather clear in the short story that the narrator allows herself to be inferior to men, especially her husband, John. Him being a physician, he believes that the “resting cure” is the best solution.…
While reading the short story, I came across a paragraph that gave me a clue of what the yellow wallpaper meant to her. She talks about how she discovers new findings by the day and therefore it gives her comfort. I think when she finally discovered what it was about the yellow wallpaper that drew her in, she made it her mission to rip it down. As she rips down the wallpaper it could relate to the fact that she has to tear herself apart to be free. She then questions herself, “… if they all [came] out of that wall-paper as [she] did?” (237). It is strange that she finds such frustration and relief from it. This resembles her, herself because she too is trapped into that home, within that room, and not being able to write. She mentions that there are many faces in the wallpaper, which tells me that these faces are women who are in the same position as her. She also says that “there are so many of those creeping women, and they creep so fast” (237). This line describes her situation because she too is creeping on others as she is kept inside. I think the theme in this short story is about how women are not allowed to do certain things and how men are dominant. She wants to be a writer but her husband does not allow that due to her mental illness. Although the narrator has a mental illness, believes that inanimate objects come to life, and that she was trapped in the yellow wallpaper; She makes a point of how women live by men’s rules and how they are limited to the amount of things they are able to do.…
Throughout life there may be somethings that may make a person seem as they are going insane. In the story “The Yellow-Wallpaper” written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman the narrator is staying in a summer house with her husband, John. She is going through a nervous condition which is keeping her from working until she is well enough to do so. John takes diligent care of her as she is going through her illness and makes sure she is well taken care of. The room her and her husband are staying in, in the summer home, has yellow wallpaper. This yellow wallpaper seems to have a big effect on the narrator as she starts seeing a woman behind the wall. She only sees the women in the daylight doing odd things. At the end of the story the women behind the yellow wallpaper has got to her and makes her go crazy. She tears the wallpaper off to let the women out and makes her husband faint. In “The Yellow Wall-paper” the women suffers from anxiety, hallucination, and depression which causes her to go insane.…