Newport, RI
Theater Security Decision Making (TSDM)
TSDM Week 19: Midterm Exam.
Chime Benjamin M
A Midterm paper submitted to the Faculty of the Naval War College
The concepts/topics to be discussed include; Deterrence and diplomacy, Global Challenges, and Economic Tool of power.
The contents of this paper reflect my own personal views and are not necessarily endorsed by the Naval War College or the Department of the Navy.
Executive Summary
Transforming America’s defense for the 21st century will require a longstanding commitment from our country and its leaders. Transformation is an endeavor that must be embraced in earnest today. The challenges the Nation faces involve protecting our critical bases of operation, including the most critical base of operation, the US homeland and projecting and sustaining US forces in distant anti-access environments. They entail assuring US information systems and providing persistent surveillance, tracking, and rapid engagement of adversary forces and capabilities. The United States will seize the strategic initiative in all areas of defense activity assuring, dissuading, deterring, and defeating. Our first priority is the defeat of direct threats to the United States. The United States must defeat the most dangerous challenges early and at a safe distance, before they are allowed to mature. The NMS establishes three supporting military concepts to protect the United States against external attacks and aggression; prevent conflict and surprise attack; and prevail against adversaries. The concepts to be discussed include; Deterrence and diplomacy, Global Challenges, and Economic Tool of power.
Deterrence & Diplomacy:
A policy of deterrence is no longer adequate to defend the United States against weapons of mass destruction. The major institutions of American national security were designed in a different era to meet different requirements. The threats and