Carter cleaning company can find out which amount of liquids and chemicals the employees are using
Old employers are demotivated that they do not have the knowledge of doing the same process of cleaning
They can check the actual need amount of chemicals and liquids should be use to clean the cloths
They have to spend more time on testing the employees
Jenifer can find out what period of time’s should use their time on pressing the cloths
Company has to spend a big cost for this program.
Through good on the job training employees can do the job more efficiently.
Carter cleaning company can appoint managers on roster basis to check whether each and every employer put an order for cleaning load of cloths .
They can use the same manager for checking the cash register daily basis
When one employee leaves from the company they can conduct exit interviews for understanding the burning issue which led to leave the company. Through this report they can analyze that what is the most burning issue to leave the company.
In other hand carter company can conduct special training programs which lead to understand the importance of employees’ citizenship behavior. Comparing the past records, carters identified there’s no proper ticketing method for their sales. So they can implement proper no order and ticketing system for their customers. They can get the supervisors signatures for each and every sale.
Further company policies regarding theft should be clearly communicated to new and existing employees.
Some firms chose to contract this out to a private security agency
As part of the job preview, Carter must communicate that jobs in her company are worth keeping. Dishonesty and theft will not be tolerated in any circumstances.
Intense background checks are a recommend as technique to eliminate potential thieves.
Before terminating the employee company should maintain a proper grievance