Jody does this by appearing as Janie’s horizon, the place where she places all her hopes and dreams. Originally, Janie was in her first marriage with Logan where she was expected to work in the fields and is not attracted to Logan’s old age and appearance. Then Janie meets Jody who promises she won’t have to work and she grows attracted to his youth and ambition. In seeing these qualities Janie views Jody as an opportunity to expand her horizons and dreams. Once there, however, she is faced with a different reality where Jody controls Janie and isolates her from friends. Furthermore, Jody forces Janie to work in a general store and their marriage has little communication and suffers. To Janie, Jody at first represented a new beginning and a chance to gain a life that would help her reach her dreams and find a stronger voice. Unfortunately for Janie, she also found the side of Jody who desired to have great influence and power over everyone else. His aspirations were many superficial and selfish as he found his happiness by showing off and asserting his dominance over the community of Eatonville and especially Janie. As a result, Janie finds that the horizon she once saw embodied in Jody was a misinterpretation of Jody’s true character and intentions. This shrinking horizon caused Janie to grow greatly distressed and she found herself unable to talk with …show more content…
Jody’s role also highlights a significant transition where Janie grows as a person finding a stronger voice in herself. However, Jody also highlighted Janie’s weakness in the fact that she is too hasty when it comes to love. Even greater, Jody shows that while Janie has grown she has yet to reach her horizon yet. At this point, Janie still has a strong outward voice but needs to find her true destiny in order to meet her resolve as a character. Jody ultimately reflects a significant insight into the still maturing Janie who has not fully learned what her joy is and where her inner peace can come