It started when she was an exceptionally young lady, first being pushed, at that point picked, lastly picking. Conceived a casualty of circumstance, Janie was liable to her position in life. She was raised to maintain the guidelines of the early African American era. From the earliest starting point, she was instructed to be inactive and subject to whatever life gave her. As she developed more seasoned she started to acknowledge she should offer in to her cravings and not smother them. Janie, the primary character of the story, was set up for her journey of self-revelation by her …show more content…
Ah don’t want yo feathers always crumpled by folks throw in up things in yo face.” Janie’s grandma pushed Janie into a marriage, which she considered a sheltered place for Janie. Despite the fact that reluctant, Janie consented to wed Logan Killicks. He was a rancher who married Janie soon after she finished school. Killicks was the main rival that Janie experienced in the story. He was there for one reason, to obliterate Janie’s new feeling of self-awareness. Logan requested things of Janie that she didn't wish to do and attempted to push her into his form of an impeccable spouse. Janie did not love Logan nor did he cherish her. She didn't recognize what she needed, yet she realized that she didn't need Logan Killicks. Joe Starks showed up in Janie’s yard one evening. He said the sweet things that Janie needed to hear. In spite of the fact that Janie scarcely knew the man, she was picked by his words being youthful and artless. She made another stride in her trip, leaving Logan the following day and venturing out to Eatonville with Joe Starks. Seeking to be the chairman of Eatonville, Joe Starks was a man worried about little with the exception of energy. He needed it, and he was going to use Janie to get it. She wore pleasant dresses amid this marriage in light of the fact that Joe needed her to emerge from whatever remains of the town he utilized her as an