The next way people view creation is, Old Earth Creationism.
Old Earth creationist believes that the Bible is correct in their explanation of the creation, but don't take the day to actually be a day. The believe that when God says the day he didn't really mean a 24 hour day, but he meant a long period of time and they also believe the earth is really billions of years old. The third and last one way in which people view creation is out of the Young Earth Creation lens. Young Earth creationism is where the bible is correct in its explanation of creation and has no evolution in it, but instead of the earth being billions of years old, they believe the earth is relatively young and when God says the day he means a literal 24 hour day. Young Earth Creationism is true because looking as a christian this type of creationism is the most biblically accurate. To defend Young and Earth Creationism, all the proof you need is in the bible. By just reading the bible one may see how Young Earth Creationism is the the most accurate according to the
Young Earth Creationism describes creation as God creating the earth in six literal 24 hour days and in the seventh day God rested. They believe the earth is only 6,000 to 10,000 years old. Exodus 20:11 states, “ For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.” This verse shows that the Earth was created in seven, twenty-four hour days (yom). Yom meaning day in Hebrew.
Old earth creationism issue belief that God did create the heavens in the earth but the day was not not a literal 24 hours; probably over billions of years. This standpoint sounds just like Old Earth for the reason that they believe all about it being God who created the heavens and the earth. The one problem that you do find with this is that God says multiple times in scripture not to add to his word. Words from the bible have been twisted into so many ways so many times. Often the words from the bible are read and people read too deep into God’s Word and ultimately give them a new meaning. Deuteronomy 4:2 tells us, “You shall not add to the word that I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God that I command you.” Also in Proverbs 30:5-6 it says, “ Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.”
Theistic Evolution explains that God allowed the earth caused by the big bang to form naturally without guidance and now is constantly guiding the process in it forming. Scientists believe that this stance on creation is more accurate than the others and that science actually disproves Old Earth Creationism. Some people think that science disproves Young Earth Creationism but in many ways it actually proves the point that Young Earth Creationism is accurate. One way that science helps prove Young Earth Creationism right is the little amount of sediment rock on the seafloor. Every year water and wind erode about 20 billion tons of dirt and rock debris from the continents and deposit them on the seafloor. At that rate the thickness of the seafloor should have been collected in 12 million years. If the earth really was as old as Old Earth Creationism and Theistic Evolution say it is then the seafloor should just be overflowed with sediment rock but there is not. The same problem follows with the bent rock layers if you have sediment rock that has been laid down separately and was hardened over billions of years there should be no way that sediment rock should be able to bend without breaking. Yet the Grand Canyon shows that in its first rock layer, the Tapeats Sandstone, it was bent and folded with breaking. This is impossible if this layer was deposited 460 million years before being folded because after that much time the rock would be very hard but one way they would be soft and foldable is if if all happened recently during the global flood.
As one may see, Young Earth Creationism goes best with the biblical description of what really happened at Creation. It also shows that even scientifically there are reasons that it is true. People ask the question all the time. where do you really come from and there are many different answers but only on true answer and that answer is best described through Young Earth Creationism.