Her personal life is that of a homemaking housewife who lives alone. Her husband, Daryl, is gone most of the time and stays out late without any concern as to how she is doing. He completely rejects her and only focuses on himself. Thelma doesn't see this until later in the film. The first moment when she starts to take an alternative position concerning her role as the repressed and timid housewife, is when she places a note on the microwave for her husband to see. The note explains how she has left with Louise on a road trip. Her character's personal life is rather simple but that changes as the action she encounters start to unfold.
Thelma is the traditional type who represents the old-fashioned female who is reliant on others. She doesn't think of consequences when she makes decisions. This is also representative of her infantile mentality. Her friend Louise, on the other hand, is the single, independent, and self-supportive type. The deliberate contrasts between the two characters changes later on in the film. She remains passive