Philosophical-anthropological category, largely derived from the writings of Hegel,
Feuerbach and Marx. When one is not accepted by society, he becomes an
Outsider to everyone around him. Alienation refers to an individual's estrangement from traditional community or others in general (social isolation), the dominant values of society, or even themselves (self-estrangement), but in
General the term implies a lack of identification between a person (or what he
Considers himself to be) and another entity Alienation is a very widely, and
Loosely, used Concept, which originates in its modern form with Marx. For Marx
Alienation is a Condition occurring in pre-Socialist societies, where the human
Nature of man is made other than; alienate what man is really capable of being?
The novels the Catcher in the Rye and 1984 Present Characters who’s Inability
To conform to the norms of their Society Results in their Alienation. Alienation is a feeling of not belonging. This feeling can be physical, mental,
Religious, spiritual, psychological, political, social, or economic and often it tends
To be a combination of more than one of these types. Alienation is a driving force
That pushes the human conscience to extremes. Whether it is alienation from
Civilization or alienation from society, drastic changes consequently occur. States
Of alienation come to exist as the result of many situations. Throughout
Adolescence, children often feel socially inept and may choose to ignore their
Problems through isolation and withdrawal. We all feel that we are being judged
By peers, but what happens when these feelings take over and unrealistic
Assumptions are made. One of the biggest factors that contribute to alienation is the stress of “fitting in" and being Accepted. The pressure to fit in with your peers and be accepted by your parents Is immense. Some