Often, when film, society, or politics do discriminate against the disabled, they do so without realizing how their actions, or even lack of action, impacts and affects those with disability. Similar to how Dr. Nemur and Dr. Strauss indirectly oppress Charly through the operation, society, cinema, and politics may also demonstrate prejudice in an indirect fashion. Although such misunderstandings and misperceptions may not be intended, they are still present. This by no means suggests that disability discrimination is found to be rooted in all, but it most certainly shows the theme and tendency of film, society, and politics in general. …show more content…
But just like with any other form of discrimination, there is no easy solution.
In order to confront the myths surrounding misrepresentations, misperceptions, and prejudices surrounding disability, there needs to be an overall commitment on all parts involved in the lives of those with disabilities to both recognize and counter the problem at hand through both personal and public awareness, understanding, and acceptance. In doing so, films like Charly will no longer be viewed as an exception. Societal and political acceptance of disability will not be praised and seen as gracious. Instead, those with disabilities will be seen as they truly are: as worthy and deserving humans, contributors and participants in film, society, and