Sun Tzu affirms that disobedience can be culturally accepted …show more content…
In a traditional and standard way of accommodating the needs of an empire the supreme leader often creates certain departments or institutions to manage and facilitate certain needs to the population such as public safety, community affairs, a judicial system etc. Such supreme leader appoints or approves the individuals which are going to lead the departments or institutions. When it comes to safety most commanders make sure they appoint or approve a general with an extensive background or who is knowledgeable in regards to warfare, public safety and strategy: “the general receives his commands from the sovereign, collects his army and concentrates his forces”(69). Most of the time the department heads are more knowledgeable about their profession and what they are administrating that the ruler himself. In the case of Sun Tzu he was appointed by his king as general and because of that he was trusted as an expert in warfare. He states that because he is more