Lincoln Ko becomes ashamed, and he starts to drink when he gets back to his family. He does this to take away his problems, but Ft. Lincoln isn’t the only reason to cause him to drink, other fellow Japanese people at Manzanar call Ko an “inu” which means dog in Japanese. People called Ko an “inu” because they believed he was let out early from Ft. Lincoln because he knew classified information about America. Jeanne says in the memoir “Papa was suddenly a man with no rights who looked exactly like the enemy.” Luckily Ko quit his drinking stage after Jeanne and her family moved to block 28, he slowly tried to become the man he was
Lincoln Ko becomes ashamed, and he starts to drink when he gets back to his family. He does this to take away his problems, but Ft. Lincoln isn’t the only reason to cause him to drink, other fellow Japanese people at Manzanar call Ko an “inu” which means dog in Japanese. People called Ko an “inu” because they believed he was let out early from Ft. Lincoln because he knew classified information about America. Jeanne says in the memoir “Papa was suddenly a man with no rights who looked exactly like the enemy.” Luckily Ko quit his drinking stage after Jeanne and her family moved to block 28, he slowly tried to become the man he was