What does greed …show more content…
He is never is nice to people and keeps all his money to himself. In this part in the story scrooge is denying a business request. " And at this time of year, it would be nice if the less fortunate could have some food and warmth, bring a little happiness to their lives.' (the gentleman said) 'Are there no workhouses?' 'Yes there are.' Are there no prisons? 'indeed there are.' Then why are you asking me for money to give to the poor? Its there own fault! Good afternoon!' (Dickens pg.5) This quote is explain when the gentleman was asking for money to give to the poor scrooge got very upset/greedy. he thought that if people do not work its there fault. However what he did not understand is that some people do work and still cant provide for their family, and some people are unable to work. He was being too greedy to think about other people. Through these actions scrooge has a horrible consequence. (nothing good happens from being greedy.) " Tiny Tim will die, unless you turn your spirit around. Not the boy, he's done nothing" (Dickens pg.17) This is the consequence that Scrooge must pay if he continues to be greedy. If he wasn’t so greedy he wouldn't have this consequence. Another example of how Scrooge an be found on page 22. He is talking with his fiancé. " My love is something you can not buy, or sell, it is something I give to you. Is it not enough? I release you Ebenezer Scrooge." (Dickens pg.22) In this quote Scrooge's fiancé is talking with thinks that he has become a bad, greedy man. She does not like his greed unimportant. She feels that her love for Scrooge is not enough, he needs more and more things to be happy. As Scrooge's negative outcome him of being greedy she leaves him. Scrooge is devastated. In these examples you can see that there us a negative outcome