
Theme Of Internal Conflict In Macbeth

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Theme Of Internal Conflict In Macbeth
Throughout Macbeth, there are a wide variety of conflicts ranging from internal to external. Macbeth struggles with the choice of getting what he truly desires at the cost of people’s lives or just being content and not having the weight of guilt on his shoulders. His choice however of getting what he wants ultimately leads to conflicts within himself and with others. The conflicts from the play are Macbeth vs. his own ambition, guilt, and with Lady Macbeth. Macbeth’s internal struggle with his ambition starts in Act 1 when the witches tell him “All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter!” (I.3.50) After Macbeth hears this prophecy he is torn on whether he should kill King Duncan or not, which would get him closer to the throne, but he

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